Frequently Asked Questions


Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we all experience at various times and in various depths throughout the day. The experience of hypnosis has been described in many ways but is often explained as a streamlined state of focused attention. Many people describe hypnosis as feeling similar to daydreaming, when they are neither fully alert, nor asleep. Everyone’s experiences and therefore descriptions of hypnosis will vary because all trance states feel different to different people.

Hypnotherapy is the practice of psychotherapy with a client who is in the hypnotic altered state of consciousness. In this, a hypnotherapist will use a combination of hypnosis and talking therapy to bring about changes in the client’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors at subconscious level which is a deeper than conscious level, where we automatically respond. The beliefs we all hold about ourselves (positive or negative) are stored within our subconscious mind, as are many of our behaviors, patterns and habits. These behaviors can be protective and useful, but where they are unhelpful, a client might want to work with a hypnotherapist because they want to change their deep-rooted, automatic responses and cannot access these alone.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful way to access the source of distress, like depression and anxiety, and for people to reconnect with dissociated emotions and disowned parts of themselves. It helps therapist and client get closer to the source of a client’s issues by opening the doorway to their subconscious mind.

2. What is the difference between HYPNOSIS and HYPNOTHERAPY?

While hypnosis and hypnotherapy are in the same “family,” they are very different from each other. Hypnosis is usually associated with a pleasant feeling of deep relaxation and this can be part of the therapy, however not all hypnosis nor Hypnotherapy involves relaxation in the traditional sense
The core difference is that hypnotherapy is an internationally-recognized therapy technique for treating mental and psychosomatic issues. It uses hypnosis to break through to the subconscious to better understand the foundation of the issues a client is facing.
Therapeutic techniques applied during hypnosis are usually quicker than the traditional forms of psychotherapy or counseling due to accessing the subconscious, consequently hypnotherapy is becoming increasingly popular.

3. Does a hypnotized person lose control?

No. Hypnosis is nothing but a state of relaxed deep focus. A hypnotized person always has control and can always hear what’s going on. It is a natural state that A PERSON enters at least twice a day (while waking up and while falling asleep) and probably much more often than that.
While undergoing hypnotherapy, clients have the ability to communicate with their therapist and express any requests they may have.

4. Does HYPNOTHERAPY work?

Hypnotherapy has the capacity to work for most people but some are more susceptible to suggestion than others. Being fully committed to the process and feeling that you can trust your hypnotherapist is THE key. It’s also important to keep an open mind, as any skepticism may subconsciously dampen your susceptibility.

5. What are the benefits of HYPNOTHERAPY?

• It helps in clearing core beliefs.
• It facilitates in losing weight.
• It improves your relationships.
• It helps in healing depression.
• It helps in overcoming fear and phobias.
• It facilitates in healing irritable bowel syndrome.
• It helps in boosting confidence and elevate self-esteem.
• It helps in managing pain.
• It improves the quality of your sleep.
• It helps out in releasing old trauma.
• It facilitates in lowering stress levels and managing anxiety.
• It helps in overcoming addictions.
• It increases assertiveness.
• It helps in breaking old habits.
• It facilitates in changing any limiting behavior.

6. How does HYPNOSIS feel?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind similar to daydreaming. People are often surprised that they can hear what is being said and can move or speak if they want to. Everybody’s experience of it is different and how an individual feels may vary each time they go into hypnosis. Some people describe hearing every word the therapist says, while others find their mind wanders; many people lose track of time when they are in hypnosis. How aware or unaware you are during the process is unimportant and does not affect the efficacy of the session. Relaxation isn’t essential to hypnosis, but most people describe being very relaxed during and after the session and more enjoyable than they expected.

7. What issues do people seek HYPNOTHERAPY for?

Hypnotherapy can help with anxiety, stress, depression, mood swings, traumas, chronic pain, behavioral problems, panic attacks, fears, phobias, addictions, overeating, nail biting, insomnia, headaches, exam nerves, bulimia, alcoholism, relationship problems, hostility, anger, resentments, worry, guilt, grief, asthma, blood pressure, compulsions, unwanted habits
Hypnotherapy has been a great help in improving exam performance, studies, improving concentration, memory, gaining confidence, goal setting, sports performance, public speaking or communication, improving self-esteem, personal growth & empowerment, assertiveness, childbirth, relaxation, releasing the past, personal empowerment. Hypnosis can be used in the treatment of most disorders, whether mental or otherwise, where the relaxation response promotes the person’s positive mindset.

8. What will happen in a HYPNOTHERAPY session?

It starts with knowing what has brought you here for therapy and what you would like to see or feel at the end of your sessions. Then I will take your suggestibility test to know how suggestible you are for receiving commands during a hypnotherapy session. After knowing your suggestibility, I will explain you what hypnotherapy is, theory of mind, my method of working and what you can expect from the sessions.

After the consultation, I will guide you into hypnosis using the method which I believe is the most appropriate for you to resolve your issue. After every session you may feel uplifted, lighter and most likely, very relaxed. As I will be working with your subconscious mind, change is often very subtle, so you may just notice a very positive shift in how you are feeling physically, mentally and emotionally.

9. Would I be asked to do anything against my will?

No. This is one of the common misunderstandings associated with hypnosis. This is probably tied in with another misconception that the hypnotherapist has control over the client. This is not the case. People will not do or say anything under hypnosis that they would not do when not in hypnosis. Thanks to TV shows and stage hypnotists, there is a common misconception that you can be hypnotized against your will. It is not true. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

10. Is Online HYPNOTHERAPY safe?

Yes, online hypnotherapy with me is absolutely safe, just as if we are in the same room together.

11. Is Online HYPNOTHERAPY as effective as face-to-face?

Yes absolutely. I have been providing online hypnotherapy for many years and the results working online are no different and often better than working ‘in person’. Research conducted on online therapy also shows this to be the case.
The Online Hypnotherapy is absolutely as effective as ‘in person ‘hypnotherapy’.

12. How Does Online HYPNOTHERAPY Work?

All you need is a device – Computer, laptop, iPad or any smart phone and a good internet connection. You may need a headset. Most laptops already have the webcam and microphone installed. I use the video software program, Zoom, which provides a stable platform and great functionality. This is a free software that it very easy to use.

13. How do I know if I need COUNSELLING or PSYCHOTHERAPY?

Counselling sessions can help you to gain clarity on an issue, change old patterns, untangle complex personal issues, or embark on a journey of self-development. You may seek counselling as a result of a crisis, or you may be encouraged to seek counselling by family members, friends or colleagues.

14. What is a typical THERAPY session like?

During the first session, your therapist’s goal is to understand as much as possible about you and the presenting problem(s) or issue(s). Only with a good understanding of what is happening or what has happened, can the best solution be developed.

Your therapist will be able to guide you on which therapies will be required for the presenting problems or issues.

15. What happens in a COUNSELLING session?

Your counsellor provides a safe environment in which to explore your issues, and will be highly trained in listening and reflecting. With most types of therapy you are free to discuss what you wish, from everyday events, dilemmas, feelings, and thoughts, to regrets, aspirations, memories and dreams.

16. What is the difference between a PSYCHIATRIST and a PSYCHOLOGIST?

In basic terms, a psychiatrist is a registered doctor who can diagnose mental illness and prescribe medication.

Psychologists and psychotherapists offer talking therapy and would not typically provide a diagnosis or medication. That said, they have a good understanding of all diagnoses, or even the medication that might be applicable, and can refer you to a psychiatrist if required. Or, where necessary, they will liaise with psychiatrists to support you further.

17. How will Online COUNSELLING and THERAPY work?

Online counselling & Therapy is an opportunity for you to seek professional assistance where the therapist will help you identify your thoughts, feelings and behaviours that shape your life. This journey will help you improve yourself where the therapist will empower you with unconditional support and guidance to create and become capable of what you want in life.

18. If I find it difficult to express my feelings, will it be a problem?

Many people find it difficult to express their feelings and we respect that everyone is different and unique. So, we try to look for different ways with which you are comfortable.

19. Will my COUNSELLING sessions be confidential?

Yes, counselling sessions are confidential. Your therapist is ethically bound to keep what you share private.

20. What kind of problems can online COUNSELLING and THERAPY help with?

Online Counselling & Therapy serves to be helpful for all the issues and problems that are creating discomfort or difficulty to move on in your daily life.

Some of the common problems for which people seek therapy are depression or low mood, stress and anxiety, fears, sleep issues, Traumas, Relationship problems, difficulties in managing emotions, low motivation, unable to focus/ concentrate on your work, future uncertainty and many more problems.